Heterosexual Men Research
each 210mm x 297mm

Texual contend(Ansewered men only):


I have full equality and the freedom with women to reach my full dreams and aspirations.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I have full equality and the freedom with women of self-expression in social media and social engagement.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I have full equality and the opportunity with women in regard of occupation and skills.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I pay equal effort with women in regard of housework.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I have full equality with women members (of the same generation) in my home, and obtain equal resources.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I usually spend time and money to reach the requirement of “masculinity”.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I have full equality and achieved nearly the same level of sexual satisfaction with female sexual partner.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I have the equal sense of security with women in a relationship or in regard of sexual crime.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much


I define myself as a masculist.

□ 非常同意 Agree Very Much

□ 些许同意 Agree Somewhat
□ 些许不同意 Disagree Somewhat
□ 非常不同意 Disagree Very Much

I found a research made by Ipsos, 2014, includes 15 countries (China is not inside). Its respondents are not gender-limited, but one of it is limited to female respondents:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In my country, I have full equality and the freedom with men to reach my full dreams and aspirations.

This is the prototype of this research for Chinese males.

Answer the questionaire, please email dynastietang@qq.com.